Thursday, 2 February 2023

TLFG Podcast episode one

After a lot of procrastination, I've finally produced the first episode of a podcast for The London Football Guide.

I'd never made one before so technically it's not as slick as it could be but I've had a go.

There's a little bit of background about me and the blog before I head to Earlsmead for the FA Trophy match between Harrow Borough and FC Halifax Town.

I give a few thoughts on the game, stand among the fans as it's going on and even grab an interview with one of them who currently sits on Talksport's payroll.

It's only 21 minutes long so won't take a huge chunk out of your day if you do decide to give it a listen.

Going forwards I'm not sure what form it will take - maybe I'll do one for every match I go to or maybe I'll simply do an audio version of the blog.

This could allow me a bit more freedom to speak about several more games that I wouldn't have the time to write about. We'll see.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and thanks as ever for all your support.

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